Last night Baby Justin came to visit while his parents and grandparents went out for dinner (for Justin's daddy's and grandma's birthdays). We went out for Stephen's (Justin's daddy's) early surprise birthday party last weekend, where Jenni (his mom) took this nice picture. Then last night they went out to take advantage of the 'free dinner on your birthday' offered by many of nice the Ann Arbor restaurants that I always forget about when it's one of our birthdays.
Anyway, Erin had plans to go out with her "mom's group" friends so when Jenni asked if we could watch Justin for their night out, Will and I excitedly accepted to have him come play with us. It gave Will a chance to practice being a big brother and was my first experience being responsible for two young babies, by myself. It was hard but we had a good time.
It helped that Justin showed up wearing his Tigers hat, so Will knew they liked the same team. It also worked out well because a Tigers hat is required for Roarball, which we all played together for a little while after Justin's parents left.
Justin is a very sweet little boy, but he is just getting into the "stranger anxiety" stage between infancy and toddlerdom. And I am still a stranger to him, so much of the evening looked like this:

Fortunately Erin came home a couple hours later and Justin immediately got much calmer and eventually completely calmed down when she held him. I must smell bad.
The rest of the evening went pretty well. Will and Justin took a bath together but Justin was still pretty upset with having to have dealt with me for much of the evening so that wasn't really picture-worthy. Will did a very good job of playing with him and trying to cheer him up though, I was very proud of him. He could understand very well how Justin was sad because he missed his mommy and daddy (and grandma and grandpa!).

Will had to go to bed before Justin did (and didn't even question why the younger child got to stay up later), and he gave Justin a very nice goodnight hug.