There is something like a wintertime family tradition that takes place when there's enough snow at Grandma Brenda & Grandpa Paul's house - a snow chute is built from the rail of the deck down to the driveway which provides a fast and exhilarating sled ride. I think the original chute was built when they used to have a hot tub on their back porch and somehow involved jumping in and out of the tub and sledding in swimsuits. Now the tub has moved on but the chute tradition is gong strong. Will must have understood the importance of this tradition, because he didn't hesitate at all in deciding he wanted to sled down, all by himself.

Grandpa and Dad got their turns in as well. Also pregnant mama was also very excited and went down a few times. We had to give her a reality check though when she wanted to go change into her swimsuit...

Very sorry about the sideways nature of this video. It was taken with Grandma's camera and I can't convert the file to be able to edit it. So you may have to lean your head to the side...
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