Will spent a lot of time playing on the porch area - you can see he has his shark tent set up here, and he also spent a lot of time playing with a wooden choo-choo that my dad and grandpa made for me when I was his age. Also, on this day someone gave him a roll of choo-choo wrapping paper and he made short work of it.

My dad was painting one of the doors a bright Cornhusker red, and he has this thing about painting noses. When we were young, and even not-so-young, he would always do this, kind of a running family gag. So Will got to have a red nose for a day.

When we aren't playing in the lake or fishing, there was lots of relaxing to do. Here Will's enjoying a book with Unky Grant.

Taking a snooze with Grandma.

Here he's rocking Guitar Hero with mom. I got this game and two guitars for my birthday, it's been a big hit.

Since Will showed he was kind of afraid of the water (or at least the mucky sand) this year, the girls got him a couple of things to encourage more fun in the water. The boat thing was pretty fun but I think Uncle Adam got more fun out of it than Will did. He did like the seahorse-innertube thing though, as long as his piggies didn't have to touch the ground.

We had so much fun that we stayed up late often and skipped a lot of baths, but when we did give Will a bath, it was a sink splashin' good time!

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