While both Tom and I will admit to altering the outcomes of board games – I’ve definitely stacked the deck in Candyland and blown on the spinner in Chutes & Ladders to bring ridiculously long games to a close – we’ve never done so while playing Memory. Whoever has the best strategy and the best memory wins. “Deal with it, Will – Mom and Dad rock at Memory.” (For the record, Tom and I’ve never actually said that to Will. But after a long day of losing every single sword fight, running race, and basketball game in which we’d been involved, we may have said it to each other after he went to bed.) Until last week, that is, when for the first time, neither Tom nor I had the best memory.
Here’s a picture of the victorious Will with his slightly-taller-than-my-pile pile of matching cards.
way to go will! it is amazing what little minds can do :) sorry erin, i guess you can just play hallie now - or lily - i can still beat her because all she can do is put things in her mouth!
Will beat me pretty handily a few nights ago too - he has an excellent memory.
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