At the starting line.
While his teachers tried to get everyone to smile for the camera, Will and Jackson had a bunny battle.
Close enough.
Two days before Easter we made rainbow cupcakes (the layers didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped they would, but there were no complaints in the taste department)…
…and lemonade popsicles…
…and Rice Crispy treat bird nests. (This project proved particularly difficult. We make our Rice Crispy treats with “Will butter” because of Will’s dairy allergy, and “Will butter” doesn’t set the way regular butter does. The mess was ridiculous, the bird nests didn’t much look like bird nests, and Hallie so disliked having her hands dirty that she wouldn’t touch anything but the jelly beans.)
What a mess!
Will with the finished bird nests, and Hallie with her jelly beans.
In case you're wondering, this is what they were supposed to look like.
On Easter Eve we dyed eggs – another messy but fun project.
Our dye was particularly dark so the kids stripped down to their unders. (There were no complaints, since it the temperature was in the 90's.)
The finished eggs.
And on Easter morning the kids hunted for eggs and played with the gifts the Easter bunny left for them before we headed off to church.
Happy Easter!
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