Will’s 4th birthday celebration(s) went on for quite a few days. Birthday #1 included lunch at Chuckie Cheese with Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Paul, a (homemade and home-decorated) Buzz Lightyear birthday cake, and plenty of presents. Birthday #2, on Will’s actual birthday, included Buzz Lightyear cookies at preschool, dinner at McDonald’s, the second half of the Buzz Lightyear birthday cake, and plenty of presents. And birthday #3 included a visit from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Susie, Will-decorated cupcakes, and plenty of presents.
You may have noticed a bit of a theme – yep, plenty of presents. Some of Will’s favorites included “the claw” from Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Paul, a wooden baseball bat (beautifully made by Grandpa Mike) and an Ironman action figure from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Susie, an Ironman costume from AJ, and a Buzz Lightyear lego set from Aunt Sara and Uncle Jeff.
I realized about 30 minutes after Will was born that I needed a plan for keeping the number of toys in our house under control. Of course we regularly toss broken toys and donate toys the kids have outgrown. But we also, in attempt to help Will (and eventually Hallie) understanding the importance of helping those in our community who are less fortunate, donate perfectly good toys that are still age-appropriate. Shortly after each birthday and every Christmas, Will “gets” to choose toys, games, and puzzles (the number he chooses corresponds to his age) to donate to children who aren’t as lucky as he is. At first Will didn’t really understand what we were doing or why we were doing it, but after three birthdays and three Christmases, he now not only understands, but willingly participates…and makes his mama proud.
Now if only we can get Hallie, whose 3rd favorite word is “mine”, to participate as well… ☺
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