During Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Paul's October visit to Ann Arbor we (minus Tom, as he was just days away from his PhD defense) spent a morning at Wasem’s Fruit Farm. While Wasem’s has great apples, berries, and pumpkins – which everyone, even Hallie, enjoyed picking – our favorite part about visiting the farm is the donuts. These donuts, and I can say this because I’m something of a donut connoisseur, are absolutely the best. I’m fairly certain that between the five of us we ate 15 donuts that morning alone, which would explain why none of us ate anything else for the remainder of the day!

My plan was to dress the kids in coordinating outfits (sweaters courtesy of Grandma Susie – isn’t Hallie’s ensemble the most adorable you’ve ever seen?!), and to take a picture of them for our Christmas card. Things didn’t go according to plan though, as the bright sun in their eyes and the donuts in their mouths kept the kids from both smiling with their eyes open at the same time.

Farewell, Wasem's, we'll miss you!
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