Erin is a big believer in teaching young children to swim - in fact, she and Sara used to be lifeguards and have taught very little ones - as young as 6 months. She has looked into options for Will to take lessons at the local pool by our house - in Buhr Park, a short walk away - but the timing isn't right for any of them. So she has a plan in mind to take Will to the pool (or lake - when we're in Madison or at the Lodge) regularly this summer and start her own swim lesson plan.
(he's probably peeing in the pool here)
We put on a pair of Dora swim diapers (yes, they still fit him) and his shark swim trunks and took Will to the pool on Saturday and gave him his first lessons. These included blowing bubbles, "1-2-3-jump!"-ing off the side into mom's arms, 1-2-3-dunking underwater with mom, and kicking the water to make splashes.
After lessons were complete, we let him run around the kiddie pool for awhile, which he loved. When Erin suggested taking Will to the pool, I have to admit I was not too interested in going...until I saw this awesome kiddie pool. It's really large and has all kinds of cool things to play with. Like below, Will is turning a wheel that controls a gigantic sprinkler-thing.

He also had a great time playing with these geysers of water that shoot up from all around the kiddie pool.
Before we left he made sure to walk all around and point out all the animals painted on the ground. He was especially excited to find the Buhr Park Shark!
Eventually, Will started getting cold and was shivering a lot so I took him to warm up with some shower-hugs in the locker room before walking home. When we finally got home, we discovered that at some point Will had substantially pooped his Dora's, which was a mini-disaster. Those swim diapers can't be taken off like regular ones - since they have to keep everything sealed to avoid the possibility of leaks, there are no straps and essentially they have to be peeled off. Let's just say it took both parents, three showers, some scissors, and half an hour with Clorox disinfecting wipes to recover from that pants-pooping.
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