Will's girlfriend Cate got him a sweet book for his birthday featuring Thomas the Train and friends. Will LOVES this book. I hear from Cate's parents Carrie and Jason that she also was a little upset she had to give the book away :)
It's a singalong book, which means there's a panel on the side with buttons to press which play different songs. Great songs, trust me. Also, you can't stop the song from playing until completion, which means mom and dad get all kinds of great songs stuck in their heads.
It took Will a little while to figure out how it worked (see the video below, he had to figure out how hard to press the buttons to make them go) but he's a pro at it now. I took him disc golfing with me on Monday and we took the Thomas book and I think he literally pressed one button after the other for an hour and was perfectly content to sit back and "dance" to the music (see the head-bobbing in the video).
ok, so i watch these at work and therefore can't turn my sound on, but i almost spit out my drink when i saw his little head bopping to what i assume is music. this is hilarious!!! =)
Simon also has this book and LOVES it. He will freak out when he sees this video!
Oh I love it! Cate especially enjoys this blog with the videos of Will, almost as much as she enjoys watching videos of the Doodlebops on our laptops!! LOL
I'm glad Will is enjoying the book, we let Cate hold it while we went around the store and then when I told her she had to put it away...well, you can imagine with a two year old :-). Miss you guys a ton! Talk soon!
Carrie, Jason & Cate
As predicted, Simon freaked out when he saw this! He asked to watch this video all the time. He says, "Mommy, can we watch 'Baby Will's going to fall down the stairs'?"
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