I guess this is a good thing, but Will is way more interested in books than your average toddler. Every morning when we get him up, one of the first things he wants to do is crawl to his cradle or bookshelf and pull out (usually a few) books and "read" them. Or at least turn the pages. We also started putting books in his crib when we cover him up in the middle of the night so he has something to look at when he wakes up. He has all kinds of books but his current favorites (other than the singing Thomas book) are Spot's Birthday Party (he can look under all the fold-back pieces to find Spot's friends who are playing hide-and-seek) and the shark book I got him from my recent trip to Baltimore (which he's reading in the top right picture). We also have a few touch-and-feel books he likes where they have animals with different fur or skin that he can touch, but I think he's more interested in looking at pictures and turning pages than touching things quite yet.

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