A few weeks ago (sometimes I'm really far behind over here on Wiggles), Tom and I took the kids to a TAMU acapella group's end-of-the-year concert. We had no idea what to expect, but assumed that interesting music performed in an intimate theater (where the kids could sit up close and really see the performers) would keep them entertained, or at the very least, intrigued.
We enjoyed the show, though I did have to use my tried and true one-jelly-bean-at-the-end-of-each-song system to keep the kiddos sitting in their seats during the second act.
The best part of the evening, however, had nothing to do with the show. We arrived on campus a little early, so we walked around and took a few photos of the kids by fountain new to the MSC. They're so pretty.
The "money" shot. |
The "sneeze" shot. |
And my favorite, the "authentically silly" shot. |
Sometimes I just can't believe they're mine.
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