Tuesday, June 25, 2013

That's a Wrap: Kindergarten Graduation

Some days I look at him and think to myself that he couldn't possibly be any sweeter, or any more handsome. His last day of kindergarten was one of those days.

After our early morning photo session, the four of us headed off to school. Though I didn't think an actual graduation ceremony was necessary, I enjoyed myself, as did Tom and Will (Hallie enjoyed only the cookies at the post-graduation reception). The kindergarten graduation and end-of-the-year program were fun for Will and kind of funny for Tom and me.
Walking in with his class.
Smiling from the stage. 
Focusing on his choreography.
Mrs. Pratt's kindergarten class. 
Trying to listen to the principal while Emma whispers in his ear. 
Singing one last song as a kindergartener.
Walking across the stage with his diploma.
He thinks kindergarten graduations are a little over the top as well.
The preschooler and the first grader.
Will and his amazing teacher, Mrs. Pratt.
A kindergartener no more!

Congratulations, buddy - we're so proud of you, and can't wait to see you take on first grade!

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