The event reminding me of the Ann Arbor Touch-a-Truck, which Will loved, but with fewer trucks and more reptiles.
We enjoyed a hotdog, potato chip, and fruit punch dinner.
Watched a car race.
Went on a limo ride around the track.
Drove pedal go-carts.
Visited with Banana the snake and his/her reptile friends. (shudder)
And spray painted Will’s hair blue. You might be thinking that the evening contained an odd collection of events, and you would be right.
Though I spend A LOT of time with both kids together, and quite a bit of time with just Hallie, I am rarely able to spend time with just Will. And while Tom spends a fair amount of time with Will, and Will and Hallie together, he rarely spends time with just Hallie. Tom and I decided to remedy this situation by occasionally going on “dates” with the child of the opposite gender.
The night Will and I went to the Speedway Spectactular (which I considered a successful date, what with only one injury and one meltdown – I’ll let you guess which one of us was injured and which one of us had a meltdown), Tom and Hallie walked to McDonald’s for dinner and to play on the indoor playscape. Their date was a resounding success as well – Hallie Claire loved having her daddy all to herself, and as anticipated, McDonald’s was a hit.
I have lots of good ideas for future dates with Will – mini golf, movies, frozen yogurt (sorbet for Will) – but have a feeling that, for at least the next few months, Tom won’t have to come up with new date ideas for Hallie. The Golden Arches suit her just fine.
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