We ate and rode the Merry-Go-Round at Ella’s Deli.
Visited the Henry Vilas Zoo and Vilas Park.
Played miniature golf at Vitense Golf Course.
Fishing the ball out of the drink.
Having a chat.
Went to Grandpa's soccer game.
Good form!
Still got it!
Somehow this set-up doesn't seem fair...
And shopped for donuts, cookies, and cheese curds at the Madison Farmers’ Market.
Lounging on the steps of the Capitol.
Hallie discovered a love for mine and Sara's American Girl Dolls, Kirsten and Molly, which made me smile because I now know those dolls will be played with once again. And because I won't have to buy Hallie one.
We also spent an evening in Stoughton with “Aunt” Marsha, “Uncle” Jim, and “cousin” Avery (camping family members). Avery and Hallie are only seven weeks apart in age, so we hoped they’d enjoy each other’s company. Below is a photo series chronicaling their first real encounter, during which we tried to get them to hold hands for a picture.
Another highlight was an evening at Brat Fest. We rode plenty of rides, listened to a few rockin’ bands, and filled up on beer, grilled corn, cotton candy, hotdogs, and BRATS baby.
Will was beyond excited for this year’s Brat Fest. He has literally been talking about going on the bumper cars with Grandpa for months.
Plotting their attack.
Poor Grandma was Grandpa and Will's primary target.
A great trip!
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