Ok we have more or less caught up with pictures to present-time. There were still several that we took on the 4th of July, so despite it being over a month ago, I'd like to invite everyone to feel patriotic all over again.

We went to the Ann Arbor 4th-of-July parade. This is something Erin always wants to go to, and I kind of don't care so much. But it ended up being a lot more fun than I was expecting. And it was really neat for Will. He got loads of candy and other accessories.
There were all kinds of cool things in the parade to look at - people on horses and silly bikes, big firetrucks, marching bands with good music...
(on the right: the actual picture taken when Will first saw the swordfighters)
After naps, we met our friends Shameem and Lisa at a nearby lake to do some patriotic grilling and playing.
Will had lots of fun playing all kinds of fun games, like "whoop the football at things then try to get it back before mom or dad does". We also played bocce ball (whoop a bocce ball at things, very similar) and soccer with a new red-white-and-blue ball Will got at the parade. Shameem and Lisa grilled up a delicious dinner which Will ate happily - including Shameem's spicy chicken wings, that's my boy. This is also where we discovered Will's peanut allergy after giving him one.
When we got back from the lake we had just enough time to do some fireworks. Shameem let us take a couple boxes of his sparklers and had a great time waving them around. Eventually, Will got his finger burned a little on a not-quite-cooled but burned out sparkler and we had to get the boo-boo bunny, and that about sealed the night for him. We had Will all bathed and ready for bed but were determined to let him stay up to watch our neighbor Mr. Chen's annual fireworks display, but alas he was too sleepy. When Mr. Chen finally started his show after it got dark, we tried to wake Will but he was OUT. Little guy had a long hard day of playing, can't blame him.
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