Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Will's a Great Helper - Part 2

Feeding Hallie
Lately Will has been very aware of who - between himself and Hallie - "gets" to go first and who "has" to go second when it comes to things like eating breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner; taking naps; and getting diapers changed. He easily remembers who went first most recently and then lets me know who should get to go first the next time around. ("Mama, Hayee eat yunch first so I get to eat snack first. She not eat snack 'til I done.")

To keep him from focusing on first and second, I asked Will if he would help me feed Hallie her lunch bottle. He was happy to help (however only for about 12 seconds) as long as he was allowed to wear his red sunglasses.  

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