As promised, here are some pictures of our new baby, who was born yesterday. We're doing very well at the hospital and should be heading home tomorrow on schedule. These pics are some of the better ones, although other than being a brand new baby, I don't think Hallie is very photogenic yet since she spends most of her time with her eyes pinched tightly shut and crying. If you aren't satisfied, there are more pics on my picasa site here.
Here's the very first picture of Hallie with mom, while we're still in the OR.

I really think there's some similarities to Will, but with passing time she looks more and more like her own person. Also she looks more and more like a baby instead of a raisin.

This picture in particular reminded me of baby Will.

The pinky method works well to calm down a mad Hallie, just as it did for Will.

Today she started opening her eyes and looking around a bit more. For the picture on the left, I am reminded of this one when we were in the hospital after Will was born.

Yesterday afternoon and today Grandma and Grandpa and big brother Will came to visit. Will was a very good boy in his visits and is excited to be a big brother for "baby Hah-yeee". He gave her lots of hugs and kisses, and with each visit he has brought her presents (a stuffed baby seal and a blanket thing that's a monkey version of Roar).

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