The purpose of this blog has always been two-fold. First, we planned to use the blog as a way to share Will’s life – through stories, pictures, and videos – with all of our family members and friends who live too far away to see him as often as they would like. And second, we hoped the blog would serve as a “baby book” of sorts for Will, so that as he grew older he would be able to look back on how he became a part of our family, what his childhood was like, and how much we enjoyed telling his story to the world (or to the 12 or so people who check the blog on a regular basis :) ).
So tonight, in keeping with the second purpose of this blog, I wanted to take just a moment to share a special message with Will.
Tonight is your last night as an only child; our last night as a family of three. Tomorrow “baby sister” will officially join our family, and you will begin your journey as a big brother. Being a big brother won’t be easy, but Daddy and I know you will do a wonderful job and that your baby sister will someday consider herself extremely lucky to have you in her life as a brother, a playmate, a competitor, an ally, and a friend. How could she not, seeing as you have shared with us that you plan to teach her how to swim; read books; play soccer, baseball, football, “hoopball”, and “roarball”; go fishing; and play “Marna Race” (Mario Kart) on the Wii…
The wild, emotional, and unpredictable roller coaster we’ve been on since you were born has taken us on countless twists and turns, but the ride has been worth the admission fee. You have innocently taught Daddy and me a great deal about patience, sacrifice, and joy, and because you came into our lives we are stronger as individuals, as a couple, and as a family.
We cannot imagine our lives without you, and will love you forever.
@Oh man...I lost it. You guys are amazing parents and amazing friends. Those two little babies are so lucky. Welcome baby Hallie! Can't wait to meet you!
I am sitting here sobbing; that was beautifully put Erin. No doubt you're both amazing parents and no doubt Will is going to be a wonderful big brother. Sending you lots of love....
The Hawes Family
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