We were lucky enough to get seated at a table with our friends the Ridgely's, and a lot of the other "camping family" members were at the tables around us. Carolyn Ridgely (on the right in the picture above) never fails to bring some hilarious props to weddings and other events where this group gets together, and always brings enough for all of us.
This time she brought rockstar glitter glasses.
Will had a great time trying on glasses, playing with his bus and a beanbag baseball Grandma got him, running around with his Grandpa, and generally trying to create mischief.
But he also found time to pick up chicks. This is Tayah (sorry if the spelling is wrong), a member of the camping family, just a year older than Will. Tayah really likes being barefoot and she helped Will take his shoes off too.
Once dinner was finished and we hit the dance floor Will really cut loose. Carolyn also brought a bunch of glow sticks, which were just the right size for necklaces, and also in Will's case, a fashionable glow-belt.
At this point it was already past Will's bedtime but we decided we'd let him party with us as long as he was having a good time. And he did, he was laughing and dancing and yelling. My favorite part was when he was doing all the dance moves he does to "Wheels on the Bus" (go round and round...) to some hip-hop song.
About the time we were thinking about getting Will to bed, it was time for the bridal bouquet and garter-throwings. Uncle Jeff took Will for the garter thing, because he was an eligible bachelor.

But he got a little confused when the girls went out to catch the bouquet and followed them. Either that or he was going out to hit on them.
Our friend Al in the white dress: "Ok Will, you get the next dance"
So we took him home after that, what a great time for the little party animal. He was a very good boy too, went right to bed and woke up at his usual early time the next morning. We had saved some of the party props and he insisted on putting them back on right away in the morning, which made our ride up to the Lodge (coming in the next blog post) that much more fun!
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