The weather has been slowly getting warmer, and Will has been very excited to play outside. During the last week he's taken to pointing at the door and whining to go out. He's like the cats.
On particularly nice evenings over the last few weeks, Erin has been walking over to get him from daycare, and Will has started insisting on walking home by himself. He actually will make it all the way home, with only minimal pick-ups to get around puddles (although sometimes Erin just let him splash in the puddles). It takes about 25 minutes to get home, not only because his legs are so short, but because he stops to point out and comment on every car that passes and every animal (dogs, cats, squirrels) encountered.
Also, he insists on carrying his cow lunchbox the whole time.
I got to pick him up from daycare a week ago and at Erin's suggestion I walked home with him. It was very fun and I captured some blog-worthy footage.
This is too much!
There are standards of how cute something can be on the internet, you know. I'm calling the FCC.
3333rd visitor to the site! That's gotta be worth something.
Looking at all these makes us even more excited for Justin to come! Too much fun!
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