You'll notice that there is no picture to accompany this post, sorry to get your hopes up. This is just a placeholder until I finally get the shot I'm seeking. This could also be a "teaser" for those of you who are coming to Iowa City for Will's baptism this coming weekend - maybe you'll get a chance to see this firsthand.
We spent the entire weekend outside landscaping and working around the house. I have the sunburn and various small injuries to prove it. Will spent all of his non-nap time outside and Erin, myself, and the 'Stein took turns entertaining him. Anyway, due to some combination of the warm weather with bright sun out, Will having a runny nose, and sitting in the grass, Will kept making the face - the sneer that I have on my face in many pictures - the left side of his lip curled up kind of like he's impersonating Elvis. I wasn't just seeing what I want to see either - it was definitely a sneer, and a pretty powerful one. I hadn't seen him do that before but he must have made that face at least 20 times when he was outside in the grass. The problem is, as soon as you catch him making that face, he sees you looking at him, and then he SMILES. So if either Erin or I saw him make the face, we'd try to get the other's attention, then he'd see us turn to look at him and the sneer would be gone. So, although a picture of him making this face would be priceless, it may be very difficult to catch with the camera.
Last night Erin and I were watching "the making of" the Planet Earth series on Discovery channel (by the way, if you haven't seen any of these hour long-specials, Sunday nights (unfortunately, during Homer), they are awesome, the best nature specials I've ever seen by far, and I'm a fan of those types of shows). The photographers were talking about how they'd spend a week following seal after seal off a reef in southern Australia, trying to get a shot of a great white shark breaching to eat one. That's exactly how I feel with this picture...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
sleep scootin'

Will has done this the last couple of nights so I thought I'd get photographic evidence. When we put him down for bed, we usually center him right underneath the mobile, close to the base, which has a nightlight in it that he likes to touch. Then when we get him up in the morning, he has scooted himself up into the far top corner of the bed. Fortunately the gator is there to stop him from hurting himself. The amazing thing is that he pulls the blankets up with him as he scoots. He's definitely getting closer to moving around by himself - he is almost able to kick and roll himself out of his bouncy chair and he's learning to control his wiggles to move toward things that he wants.

Monday, April 23, 2007
Our weekend
Here's what we did this weekend in the nice weather!

Friday: first we took a really good nap to get ready for all the excitement

Then we went for a walk around campus and checked out all the chicks (including mom).

On Saturday, Will and I went to play disc golf while mom went to work. Then we partied at Katrina's house on Saturday night at 'porkfest' (Katrina brought a bunch of pork products from her parents' hog farm). Dad played the role of grillmaster, Will held my beer.

Sunday was the nicest day so we went for a long walk outside and just hung out in the sun.

Will and I played a lot of music this weekend too. Besides playing his piano, Will played on the back porch in his 'stein while I practiced playing the guitar and he sang along with mom and I.

Then on Sunday night we went out to dinner and we were really tired when we got home so we decided to lay on the floor of the living room for awhile.
We took a bunch of pictures this weekend, these are just some of them. Check out the picasa site ( April07 album) for a few more of them.

Friday: first we took a really good nap to get ready for all the excitement

Then we went for a walk around campus and checked out all the chicks (including mom).

On Saturday, Will and I went to play disc golf while mom went to work. Then we partied at Katrina's house on Saturday night at 'porkfest' (Katrina brought a bunch of pork products from her parents' hog farm). Dad played the role of grillmaster, Will held my beer.

Sunday was the nicest day so we went for a long walk outside and just hung out in the sun.

Will and I played a lot of music this weekend too. Besides playing his piano, Will played on the back porch in his 'stein while I practiced playing the guitar and he sang along with mom and I.

Then on Sunday night we went out to dinner and we were really tired when we got home so we decided to lay on the floor of the living room for awhile.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
killer wings
Party weekend
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #1

Thanks everyone for checking in during the T15WPoAT countdown. If anyone wants full-resolution versions of any of these pictures (they are compressed and smaller so they don't take up as much webspace), send me an email. Same goes for any pictures on the
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #2
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sack o' beans: take 2
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #3

A very sweet picture from when Will first ate real food (I stress ATE - as in the food made it into his stomach, as opposed to our first TRIES). This picture is the background on Erin's laptop and one of her all-time favorites, so it rocketed up the chart. By the way, you might be seeing more of this picture in the future as Erin and Grandma Brenda develop their business which will make and sell bibs like this one, and possibly other baby products. What a great promo shot, don't you think?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
sack o' beans
Sometimes when we feed Will his bottle after his bath and right before bed, he falls asleep when he's eating. It's funny when I sit him up to burp him - he still insists on standing (won't sit down), even though he's all but asleep. So he ends up doing this - we say he's a "sack of beans" because holding up his limp body to burp him when he's like this is like holding a sack of beans.

IOE Spring Banquet 2007

Each year the graduate students in my department (IOE) organize a banquet for all the grad students, faculty, and staff, which was this past thursday. It's a fun night where we honor and make fun of each other. This year I worked on the entertainment portion of the banquet, which meant working with a small group of my friends to put together some jokes and a slide show - it was a lot of work but it went really well. I was especially excited to bring Will this year, as a lot of people bring their families to this event. He wore the little tux we got for the Red Cross volunteer recognition event last month, and this will probably be the last time he wears it because it's about too small. He was a big hit at the banquet, and even though he had to stay up until after 9:00, he had very few fussy moments and was generally a very sweet guy.

Top 15 Will pics of all time: #4

The funny thing about this picture is that it was taken about an hour before T15WPoAT#7 - the one where he's sitting on the piano (note the same outfit). I was working very hard and late around this time on a project we were trying to finish on a short deadline. I hadn't seen the boy very much at the time so when I came home to take a nap on this afternoon I tried to see if Will might take one with me. He was NOT having it.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #5

On normal mornings I run on the treadmill while Erin feeds Will. Then Erin brings him down and she runs on the treadmill while I take Will around as I get ready for the day. I put him in his bouncy chair while I shower, and he generally talks to himself and plays with a toy or his feet. At various times I peek out at him and when he sees me he gives the biggest smiles and laughs.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #6

This one is so sweet. Yes, he's sucking my nose. I think Will was less than a week old in this shot. In fact, we came home from the hospital on a friday, I believe, so this would have been his second day at home. I remember because we got him dressed up in this little Hawkeye outfit to watch the Iowa football game that Saturday. He's gotten so big now that I had forgotten how easy it was to hold him when he was this small.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #7

Will and I spend a lot of time playing the piano together. He has gotten wigglier, and thus less tolerant of sitting lately but as long as we're playing/singing a song he can follow he likes it. In fact, you can tell he wants to play along because he leans forward to grab my hands when I play and usually about puts his face into the keyboard. He has his own toy piano to play too - I'm trying to teach him how to play the keys instead of sucking on them. There are lots of good pictures of Will and I at the piano (including, possibly, more from this top 15 list) but this picture happens to also have a really good smile.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #8

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Will can sit up by himself

Top 15 Will pics of all time: #9

Monday, April 9, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #10

This picture was taken when we tried to feed Will real food (rice cereal) for the first time. We're pretty sure he didn't get any of it in his stomach - just drooled it right out. Erin tried feeding him for awhile and by the time I had my chance to try he had had enough. I think this is the first week when we had the Bumbo (the blue chair thing) which has been a very good investment - a lot of the best pictures we have are of him sitting in it.
I just realized that we haven't had any top Will pictures of all time with him smiling yet - don't worry, #9 has some smilin'.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Easter outfit
Happy Easter everyone!

Well Will's first Easter has been fun and not fun. The poor guy has apparently caught his first cold, so he's been sneezing and coughing and been pretty fussy in general. We had a tough night last night - he woke up often and cried a lot. So we've been spending a lot of time just holding the little guy and trying to comfort him - in the process, absorbing a large amount of slobber and snot on our clothing. But we got some medicine and he seems to be doing a little better today. So anyway, we had a good time dying easter eggs yesterday before he started feeling too yucky. The Easter Bunny came last night and brought Will some toys, but he was most interested in his frog Easter basket. Isn't he cute in his Easter outfit?

Top 15 Will pics of all time: #11

Oh boy. Some of you know that my mom (Grandma Susan) put me in a dress as a joke on my dad when I was about this age. It was probably also a way for my mom (and Erin) to play out their fantasy of having a baby girl. Anyway, we were in Madison over Christmas and I was working hard in the home office all day when Erin and Grandma Brenda introduced me to my new daughter, Willamena. It was a complete surprise and needless to say I laughed very hard - I'll never forget that experience. She was even wearing frilly tights and patent leather shoes, which you can't see very well in this picture. I think the dress/tights/shoes were part of the same doll accessories collection as the desk in picture #14. This one will probably come up again and again in Will's life: highschool graduation pictures, wedding slideshow, hahaha.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #12
Friday, April 6, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #13
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #14

This picture was taken a few weeks ago when Erin and Will went to Madison for Lauren's wedding shower. Grandma & Grandpa Mueller have kept the doll desk that Erin and Sara used to play with when they were younger. Probably for this very reason. I think Erin has also tried to put our cats in the desk in the past - as you can see, Will is not too happy about playing along.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
bath pictures: 6 months

5 months
4 months
Top 15 Will pics of all time: #15

This picture was taken in Lincoln when we were visiting for Thanksgiving and Adam and Chandi's reception. It's one of my favorites because he's wearing his owl onesie and his eyes are huge like the owl. Plus this is one of the rare pictures around this time where he didn't have severe baby acne, poor guy. He wasn't smiling yet at this time (started to about a week after this picture) so this face is as good as it got.
Will: alive for half a year
That's right: Today Will is a six-pack of months old. And he is wigglier than ever. That's probably the newest thing since he was five months old - now he wiggles a lot more. We took him with us out to dinner last night and he wanted (and tried) to grab everything that was on the table. He has just enough body control to dive bomb things that he wants to put in his mouth so you have to keep both hands on him when holding him. Anyway, to celebrate Will's half birthday we're hosting a special feature on Will's page for the next few weeks: the top 15 Will pictures of all time. The plan was to do the top 10, but Erin and I couldn't eliminate any more of our favorites, so it's 15. We'll post a new one each day so stay tuned for the countdown to number 1.
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