I am sorry to share the news that our beloved cat
Duke was hit by a car and died yesterday. It is very sad for our family, but we're ok. Duke and
Clementine had been staying with Grandpa and Grandma in Madison for the last 6 months or so while we attempt to sell our house, and I can pretty confidently say those 6 months were the happiest of Duke's life: he and Grandpa Paul were very good buddies, he got to spend a lot of time outside, and he was free from
bullying by our kids. Duke likely died doing something he loved to do: chasing and tormenting something smaller than him.
Erin and I got Duke and Clementine when they were kittens from one of her co-workers during the Spring after we were married. Duke was my choice of the litter - he was the one cat that was white (the rest looked like Clementine). Erin warned me when we were going to pick them that the white one would be the most difficult to clean up after in terms of leaving white hair everywhere (she was right), but I fell in love with him so he came home with us.
Duke, the day we brought him home.
For a couple years, we were cat people, and the two cats were our "children". While Clementine was always much more timid around people, Duke was one of the most people-friendly cats you would ever meet. He was totally at ease and loved to lay on his back, as if waiting to have his belly rubbed, and would often fall asleep like this, a very un-catlike behavior.

Duke was also a very curious and mischievous cat. He always wanted to be a part of any activities going on, and would often try to get into things and places where he shouldn't be, often with hilarious consequences.
Duke was always much more willing than Clementine to be "dressed" up, one of Erin's favorite things to do with him.
We are especially sad that our kids lost a great friend in Duke. He has been one of Will's best buddies, right in the middle of many major milestones of his life. Duke was probably his
first friend, would hang out with him
before he could walk,
took naps with him, and
comforted him when he was upset. When Will got older and could start to walk and really play, Duke was often his cohort: sometimes
being part of the fun, and sometimes
being the source of the fun. Though Hallie only knew him for about a year (and most of that didn't interact with him much because she was too little), he was sweet to her too.
Duke will appropriately be buried in Grandma & Grandpa's backyard, next to the burial sites of Pearl and Jingles, Erin and Sara's childhood cats. Next week we're going to Madison for Aunt Sara's baby shower so will get a chance to talk with Will about Duke and maybe will do some kind of memorial for him.
Here's an album I made of some of my favorite pictures of Duke. We'll miss you buddy.