Friday, February 2, 2007

Welcome to Will's blog site

Hello everyone, welcome to Will's page - your site for everything Will. Here we'll post anything post-worthy that's going on in his life. You can check this site periodically or subscribe to it with an RSS feed (click the link 'Posts (Atom)' at the bottom of the page).

As of today, Will is 17 weeks and 2 days old. He is a very sweet little boy, Erin and I couldn't be happier with him. Here's a quick catch up on his major life events thus far:

First smile (confirmed by dad): Dec. 2nd. Unconfirmed reports of smiles in the previous week.
First laugh: when dad blew on his tummy, approximately Dec. 15th.
First tooth discovered: January 23rd
First positive experience with the cats: January 30th. Duke nuzzled him like he does when he wants to be petted then Will pulled out a chunk of Duke's hair.

He likes red things, especially Bob the Bird and his red block. He also likes playing the piano with dad or dancing with mom to Wicked songs or to the various classical music samples that play on his toys. He tries to suck on everything he can get his hands on, and if he can't reach anything he just sucks on his hands. First thing each morning and after each nap he is very smiley and it's usually not too hard to get him to giggle by giving him a little attention.

For the time being, you can get caught up with Will's first 4 months through his picture site:

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