Our cats, Duke and Clementine, really like to hang out in Will's room, possibly for no other reason except that we always have to shoo them out of there when we put Will down for a nap or for bed. But once in awhile they'll find a really good hiding place in his room and we'll miss them. Sometimes we'll wake up in the middle of the night to a scratching sound - one of the cats who managed to hide well enough would be trapped in the room when we shut the door, then would scratch on the door until we let them out. Amazingly and fortunately, such events almost never wake Will. However, there have been several naps cut short by Duke jumping into the crib to get more comfortable, and inadvertently stepping on Will.

A few weeks ago Erin went in to wake Will from his morning nap (the one where we only let him sleep for half an hour), and found Duke snuggled up to him. They were taking a nap together. Since their normal demeanor towards each other usually involves Will (innocently) terrorizing Duke, and Duke retaliating with a bite or scratch, this was a nice change. How sweet.
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