My cousin Kara married Randi Grafft on June 23rd in Kara's hometown of Charles City, Iowa. Randi is a good guy and a man after my own heart - an Iowa grad and a rabid Hawkeye fan, just like Will: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3, pic 4.
It was a very nice ceremony, and Will made it through the whole thing without making too much noise or calling too much attention to himself. Thank you Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb. Also chewing on the wedding programs helped, although when he succeeded in biting chunks off we had to fish them out of his mouth which got pretty messy. The reception was also a very good time - most of my family hadn't seen Will since Adam & Chandi's wedding reception last October, and he was just a crying potato back then. It was especially fun to run into the Horner clan when we stopped at McDonald's for lunch down the street from our hotel before the ceremony. We had a great time demonstrating all Will's newest tricks (spitting and grunting) while he sat in the highchair between our two tables. Cousin Olivia was nice enough to give Will her happy meal toy - an awesome surfing penguin thing.
Family weddings are great for Erin and I because we can "let" our family members hold Will while we cut loose a little bit. Here's Will with Unky Grant, and with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa's giving Will a little of his beer. Just kidding, of course - it was at this wedding reception we discovered how much fun (empty) disposable plastic cups are.
We still had to get Will to bed on time so we didn't mess up his schedule too much. After all, he has needed all his sleep so he's a sweet guy for all the people he's been seeing on our trip. So we regrettably left the reception early and headed back to the hotel for a little Goodnight Moon naked reading while mom prepared the bath. By the way - I was supposed to be supervising him in the meantime - Erin warned me about letting him roll around naked, and sure enough, he peed on the bedspread. Sorry Super 8.
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