Sunday, May 13, 2007

Put Messy Will in the Sink

Last Thursday it was very warm so we had Will rocking in just his diaper at the end of the day. Erin went out to dinner with her friends to celebrate Laura's birthday, which left me at home to feed Will without extra hands to help out in case we made a huge mess (Will grabs his spoon and throws it, puts his hand in the jar of food and wipes it everywhere, etc.). So he was in his high chair, eating messily as ever, and I didn't realize it but since he wasn't wearing any clothes, there was a slippery slope for food that didn't stay in his mouth straight down his tummy to his bare legs. So after dinner I cleaned his face and hands like I always do, took the tray off and picked him up - only to discover that he had been literally sitting in a pool of slobber/water/ricecake/squash and it was all over his lower half, in addition to soaked into his diaper. He was dripping on the kitchen floor so I used some quick thinking and put him directly in the sink. Then I washed him off with the sprayer and he LOVED it. I caught a short video, but we probably did this for 10 minutes.

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