So on Saturday at noon Will was baptized at the Newman Center. It was very nice to be able to do a private ceremony with Fr. Ed in the place that means so much to our families. When we were getting ready Will got a lot of attention from everyone, which he's not used to as much so he got a little fussy during the baptism ceremony. That could also have had to do with the fact that shortly after noon is usually his nap time. All in all, it went well. We went to the Airliner bar afterward for a celebration lunch.
On Sunday, everyone left for their homes or next destinations and Erin and Will and I stayed for another day. Before lunch we went back to campus and hiked around a bit, showed Will where he will be going to college someday.

No trip to Iowa City would be complete without shopping for Hawkeye stuff. We got Will a little sweatshirt. Unbelievably, we looked at several different apparel stores and couldn't find a decent Herky doll!

We had originally intended to head home on Sunday afternoon, but the weather got really nasty (in fact, about 10 minutes before we started back to our hotel from campus, it started to downpour). So, we bagged it and I'm really glad we did. It gave Will a day to unwind before the long car ride and we got to go swimming again that night. Then we got takeout for dinner, and fell asleep watching a movie. All in all, a great trip. Thanks to everyone who helped make it so!
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