Thursday, May 31, 2007
Three quickie videos
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
New trick: standing up by himself, kind of

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
So what else did we do this weekend?
In between all of our fun with phones, we chewed on a few other things this weekend. Since mom worked all day on Saturday, dad and Will went disc golfing:

Then later that afternoon we watched some TV. There was a Ninja Warrior marathon on all weekend, of which we watched plenty:

And then of course we got some video game time in. Will has his own controller all to himself:

All this hard work left us with a very slobber-soaked shirt!

Then later that afternoon we watched some TV. There was a Ninja Warrior marathon on all weekend, of which we watched plenty:

And then of course we got some video game time in. Will has his own controller all to himself:

All this hard work left us with a very slobber-soaked shirt!

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Let's call Grandma

Basically if anything expensive and colorful enters Will's field of view he very badly wants to hold it and put it in his mouth. So last thursday he and I were hanging out and decided to call Grandma Susan while she drove with Grandpa Mike and Jake up to the lake cabin for a fishing weekend. I put the phone on speaker and Will insisted on holding it while we talked.

He does this frequently and usually manages to press or bite different button combinations which have interesting consequences. This time he started chewing on the bottom end (as in the picture above), which is where the microphone is. So Grandma couldn't hear us, and when I tried to pull the phone out of his mouth, he starts a little tantrum. To quell this, Erin gave him her phone, so he could have something to hold while we kept talking. But the slobber damage was done and my phone dropped the call with Grandma twice, and starts randomly switching into "Car Kit Mode," which is what happens when you plug a remote microphone into the bottom end of the phone (for hands-free use in the car). So Will's slobber shorted out that connection and it took a bunch of cleaning to get it reset. In the meantime, he's chomping away on Erin's phone. When we finally finish the call and Erin takes the phone back, it reports that Will had somehow logged onto the wireless web (which we're not paying for) for 3 minutes of airtime! Then, the kicker - a few minutes later, Grandma Brenda calls Erin's cell:
"What's going on, are you ok?" She asks.
"Yes, what do you mean?" replied Erin.
"You just called me, all I could hear was Tom talking and a strange chewing sound..."
So Will called both Grandmas!
Mr. Wiggles makes the news

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
pictureful weekend
With it being mother's day weekend, and with all the time we're spending outside since the weather has been so nice, we took a good deal of pictures last weekend. Come along with me, I'll walk you through a few of them.

On Friday, mom took Will to the park. Duke helped mom pick out some awesome short shorts to wear.

Then he went swinging for the first time. Weeeeweeeweee!

On Friday afternoon and most of the day on Saturday, we cleaned and restained our deck in the backyard. This stalled our plans of mowing the lawn since we didn't want to get grass clippings on and around the deck, so our backyard was a jungle. Our friends Casey and Rachel came over to help with the deck and also took Will on a little safari adventure.

Sunday was all about mom. We had a nice breakfast sitting at the table like a real family, but Will was constantly distracted by Duke, so Erin took him over to visit after we ate.

Then we went to one of our favorite parks - Gallup park, which connects to the U of M Arboretum, for a nice long walk to burn off the donuts and bacon we ate.

That afternoon, we had baby food chicken for the first time. So Will is no longer a vegetarian. That stuff is pretty gross, and Will did NOT like it very much. The picture on the left is his reaction to the first bite, and then he did his best hockey goalie impression to deflect attempts to feed him subsequent spoonfuls. These pictures are funny because whenever he sees the camera, especially right in front of his face, he automatically smiles right at it. But he also knows that when we're feeding him, we always try to get him to smile so he'll open his mouth and we can sneak some more food in. So he would usually be really fighting not to smile here, but the chicken made him pretty unhappy.

At the end of the day, Erin gave me a summer haircut with the clippers. Then I played with Will a bunch so he would get used to it and know that bald guy is still dad. Here we're singing some songs for mom at her request - "Why Don't We Do It in the Road" by the Beatles - it was a very nice Mother's Day song.

On Friday, mom took Will to the park. Duke helped mom pick out some awesome short shorts to wear.

Then he went swinging for the first time. Weeeeweeeweee!

On Friday afternoon and most of the day on Saturday, we cleaned and restained our deck in the backyard. This stalled our plans of mowing the lawn since we didn't want to get grass clippings on and around the deck, so our backyard was a jungle. Our friends Casey and Rachel came over to help with the deck and also took Will on a little safari adventure.

Sunday was all about mom. We had a nice breakfast sitting at the table like a real family, but Will was constantly distracted by Duke, so Erin took him over to visit after we ate.

Then we went to one of our favorite parks - Gallup park, which connects to the U of M Arboretum, for a nice long walk to burn off the donuts and bacon we ate.

That afternoon, we had baby food chicken for the first time. So Will is no longer a vegetarian. That stuff is pretty gross, and Will did NOT like it very much. The picture on the left is his reaction to the first bite, and then he did his best hockey goalie impression to deflect attempts to feed him subsequent spoonfuls. These pictures are funny because whenever he sees the camera, especially right in front of his face, he automatically smiles right at it. But he also knows that when we're feeding him, we always try to get him to smile so he'll open his mouth and we can sneak some more food in. So he would usually be really fighting not to smile here, but the chicken made him pretty unhappy.

At the end of the day, Erin gave me a summer haircut with the clippers. Then I played with Will a bunch so he would get used to it and know that bald guy is still dad. Here we're singing some songs for mom at her request - "Why Don't We Do It in the Road" by the Beatles - it was a very nice Mother's Day song.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Put Messy Will in the Sink
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Iowa City trip: part 2

So on Saturday at noon Will was baptized at the Newman Center. It was very nice to be able to do a private ceremony with Fr. Ed in the place that means so much to our families. When we were getting ready Will got a lot of attention from everyone, which he's not used to as much so he got a little fussy during the baptism ceremony. That could also have had to do with the fact that shortly after noon is usually his nap time. All in all, it went well. We went to the Airliner bar afterward for a celebration lunch.
On Sunday, everyone left for their homes or next destinations and Erin and Will and I stayed for another day. Before lunch we went back to campus and hiked around a bit, showed Will where he will be going to college someday.

No trip to Iowa City would be complete without shopping for Hawkeye stuff. We got Will a little sweatshirt. Unbelievably, we looked at several different apparel stores and couldn't find a decent Herky doll!

We had originally intended to head home on Sunday afternoon, but the weather got really nasty (in fact, about 10 minutes before we started back to our hotel from campus, it started to downpour). So, we bagged it and I'm really glad we did. It gave Will a day to unwind before the long car ride and we got to go swimming again that night. Then we got takeout for dinner, and fell asleep watching a movie. All in all, a great trip. Thanks to everyone who helped make it so!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Iowa City trip: part 1
So here we are in the car on the way there. Will has had his share of long drives, and he's a good road warrior. But sometimes he gets a little upset so Erin or I jumps in the back with him and entertains him. On this trip, the carseat monkey was a big hit.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
bath pictures: 7 months

As far as bathtime goes, Will's a little less afraid of the water than he has been, probably because we try to make it more fun. He has some bath toys, and we encourage him to splash around. Also, as some of you saw last weekend, he has a good time swimming in pools. He even went underwater a few times without getting upset.
Despite being a little overwhelmed by all the people around for much of last weekend, Will has been doing pretty well socially. Erin and he go to several different events during the week (today they're going to Jungle Java to meet some friends and other babies). He's also been going to daycare for a little over a month and the little girls who are there just love him. Still, whenever someone he doesn't know very well holds him he tends to get a little upset, so don't take it personally if that's happened to you!
We feed Will baby food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner now, and probably within a month he'll be completely weaned from nursing. During these meals, it's a constant game to devise new ways to get the food into his mouth. He usually keeps his mouth shut tight, so we try to make him smile or laugh, then slip the spoon in. He's started recognizing this so sometimes you can see him fighting to keep from smiling even though he is enjoying the goofy mom/dad show. It's really cute and funny when he does this.
He's starting to make noises a lot more: the "dadadadadada" I figure refers to me. Mostly he talks when he's by himself, or can't see anyone else, but clams up when he sees someone, which makes it difficult for me to capture on video.
Toys are becoming more interesting, mostly as new objects to suck on. He gets mad when you take away things that he has decided are rightfully his, like the TV remote or mom's necklace. He has become attached to his lion and hugs it when he goes to bed, which is sweet.
Pictures from our trip to Iowa City, and Will's baptism, coming soon...

6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months
2 months
1 month
first bath
Thursday, May 3, 2007
hanging out with the cats

Will really likes the cats, and they seem to like him, or at least tolerate him to a surprising extent. We're heading out of town for a long weekend (to IOWA CITY!) tomorrow morning, and we're leaving the cats at home. So we have been making sure Will spends a little extra time with them. Also, we needed an excuse to post pictures of Duke for his #1 fan, our friend Chelse.

These pictures are especially amazing because Clementine hardly tolerates anything, but she apparently has no problem with Will sharing her seat and touching her.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
well, kind of...

So after several near misses, here's a sneer shot that I captured this morning. But believe me, there have been MUCH better ones. He has learned that when the camera is pointed at him, he's expected to smile, so the sneer shot will probably be like the one above - where he's not looking at the camera.

Sometimes the near-miss shots like this one aren't too bad either.
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