Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hallie's first swordfight

I apologize that Hallie videos have been dominating the blog lately (click here to review said videos), but she's got so much going on lately that's video-worthy. Here's one that includes her big bro, and his favorite pasttime: swordfighting. Since Hallie now walks, she can play outside much more effectively. And the swordwagon (the wagon grandpa Mike made, which is where we store the swords when it is not being used for rides) is a good reaching height for Hallie and some of the easiest outdoor playthings for her to reach. So the video below is what transpired when Hallie proudly acquired a sword and chased down her brother to challenge him to a duel for the first time.

In case you're confused about the "cha you into the drink", this may clear things up a bit ...or not.

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