Wednesday, February 20, 2008

uh-oh remix

Since the posting of the "things that Will says" list about a month ago, there is one utterance that should be added, and that is "uh-oh". I mentioned briefly in the snowman posting about how he would say this when I threw snowballs at things, and he usually uses it appropriately - like when he (or Erin or I) drop something, or when he falls over. Since those things happen frequently, "uh-oh" has become a very common thing for him to say. So I followed Will around with the camera a little bit and captured him at play, then edited it down to show a few choice "uh-ohs". I especially like when he puts his hand over his mouth when he says it.


BabyHawes2008 said...

Love it! Hilarious! It's kinda like Will's greatest "uh-oh" hits! Where can I buy that on c/d?!

Brenda said...

I love it! Watched this several times - laughed out loud every time! I love the hand over the mouth part....

Love, Grandma Brenda