Monday, February 25, 2008

The story of breakfast

Here's a summary video of a normal breakfast with Will. We start with Cheerios and soy milk, then we usually offer bananas, toast, oranges, and cereal. Eventually he starts insisting on cookies - you'll see about halfway through the video below where he starts pointing off to the right - he's pointing to the cupboard where the cookies are stored. Also around the time he starts insisting on cookies he also is on the brink of a tantrum, so even when he gets his cookie he still can be upset.

Also note at the end that he signs when he's done - waves his hands like that. He's very good at this, although sometimes he changes his mind about being done when we take the food away.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

That might be the best Will video yet! Cate says she's coming to eat cookies with Will for breakfast (she was also digging the spread you put on for Will for b-fast!).

Too Funny Guys!