So we've been waiting patiently for the right opportunity to build one and get Will to "help". With all the snow we've gotten lately, it hasn't been very packable, or it would be but at the wrong times of day (like during naptime). Last weekend the conditions were as good as they were going to be so we bundled up and headed outside.

Will looks very cute when he's all bundled up, but he doesn't do much because it's hard for him to move. So we would just pick him up/put him down in different places so he didn't get too bored just standing there.

Something he found very fun was watching when I threw snowballs at things/mom. I would throw a snowball in the air so that it smacked on the driveway. Then Will would say "uh-oh!" and laugh. He also thought it was funny when we threw snow in the air around him.

Here Erin is trying to explain how snowman building works. At this point Will was getting very antsy to get out of his snowpantsy's and back to his Wiis. We eventually completed our awesome snowman (although it was mostly due to Erin's work while Will and I threw snowballs), but by then, Will was really tired of being outside. As you can see.

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