Friday, August 24, 2007

Tigers fan

Living in Ann Arbor, Erin and I have become pretty big Detroit Tigers fans over the last few years. Admittedly, we're bandwagon fans, but you can't argue that it's a lot of fun to get wrapped up in a local sports team when they unexpectedly do well, as the Tigers have the last 2 seasons.

In fact, the week Will was born, the Tigers defeated the New York Yankees to advance to the ALCS (American League Championship Series) - this was a monumental win for them, as they were the wildcard team and significant underdog. It was cool because the Yankees won the first game in the series (on October 3rd, we were miserable in the hospital but I saw parts of the game), then Will was born on the morning of the 4th and the Tigers won 7 straight games to go to the World Series for the first time in some 20 years. I thought we had given birth to the ultimate sports good-luck charm, but then the Tigers promptly got whupped by the St. Louis Cardinals (Uncle Jeff's and Aunt Jenna's team) in the World Series. In fact, I specifically remember that this picture was taken while we were watching the whooping.

Anyway, Will seems to have taken to his forced-upon team as well as any infant who doesn't have any concept of what a sport is. We watch the 'Taaah-grs' (which Will pronounces 'dadas') whenever they have a night game (which start at 7) for the half hour before we start getting Will ready for bed. Erin got me a Detroit cap for my birthday which Will likes to play with so we took a few pictures here. We might be able to pull these out sometime in the future so Will can prove he was a Tigers fan 'since he was a baby'.

To be honest, if you were here for when these pictures were taken, you'd see that actually what's happening is I put the cap on his head and would try to get the picture before he pulled it off, which he would pretty much immediately do.


Opinion said...

if will gets any cuter, i may have to kill myself.

Thomas Ferris said...

haha. Well, that's bad news for us I guess. by the way, you should see him play Wii with me, that might put you over the edge.