I had forgotten - the time we were at the zoo was also the first Saturday of college football season. So we had Will dressed in his University of Wisconsin "Jump Around" shirt since we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Sara. Hallie dressed a little more appropriately...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cincinnati zoo
I had forgotten - the time we were at the zoo was also the first Saturday of college football season. So we had Will dressed in his University of Wisconsin "Jump Around" shirt since we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Sara. Hallie dressed a little more appropriately...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Andy and Maggie's wedding
Finally, a couple very nice pictures we took with the family members who were present. First, just the chicks, then we added the dudes:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Milestone: Hallie (and Will) can roll over
Last week Hallie rolled over for the first time by herself. Erin saw it, grabbed the camera, and for once she was able to get Hallie to repeat the action so it could be documented. So the video below officially captured the second time in Hallie's life she intentionally moved herself to a new location under her own power. We have also started noticing evidence of sleep scooting when we get her up in the morning or after a nap. If she follows Will's locomotion pattern, next month we should see some belly scooting, and around Christmas she might be froggy crawling.
Oh, of course the funniest thing about this video is Will's insistence that we watch him roll over instead of Hallie. It is definitely an impressive sight when he finally gets the camera's attention. For those of you who know what I'm talking about, this reminds me of Erin's "cartwheel video" from when she was a little girl.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cereal and swords at Grandpa's house

After the swordfight, Will and Grandpa raided Grandma's raspberry patch. Will helped collect some to share but he ate about 10 berries for every 1 that went in the bucket. Actually, Will and others did this every day - it was the height of berry season and they were so plentiful there was enough to feast on each day.
There are other fun things to do at Grandma & Grandpa's house too - like play legos and take naps in the big-boy beds. Since there are two beds in Will's room, he got to take killer naps like this one with his Grandpa, and then AJ got to sleep in the other bed at night. What fun!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hallie's bath pictures: 5 months
Well, these are the sweetest smiles yet. Hallie's ahead of the curve with her smiling I think, at least compared to her brother, who at this point in his life had only just begun smiling regularly. She is also very chatty and slobbery. She's kind of a flirt - I'm convinced she uses her smiles and chats to get kisses. Slobbery kisses.
Here she's giving her model look/pose. She doesn't realize that the hand-on-the-chest look has been done.
Since last month, she has grown into the 'stein, took a couple trips to see grandmas & grandpas, aunts & uncles (including one on an airplane), learned to appreciate music, and hung out a lot with her big brother. Speaking of whom, Will stopped by to make a cameo in Hallie's bath picture below.
And here it is - the sweetest picture of smiling Hallie to date:
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
frequent flyers

Good thinking on mom's part - she brought some movies for Will to watch. He was set with his Little Einsteins movie, his Roar, and his sucking fingers.
Look at this guy sitting next to Hallie and I - he was very polite but you know what he's thinking... that slobber machine better not keep me awake! Fortunately Hallie was very sweet - she drank a bottle as we took off and fell asleep in my arms right afterward. Over both flights, she probably was only upset for 20 minutes or so, otherwise was very cheerful or asleep. She even chatted with the woman sitting next to us on the way home.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Chats with the Hal-gal
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
return of the stein
Hallie is now big enough to stand in the Baby Einstein exersaucer and, like the boy with the cheesy smile standing behind her, she is very entertained trying to suck on the various brightly-colored attachments.
The three rolling wheels were especially interesting to her. Look how hard she concentrates on figuring them out. They make noise when you slap them... how puzzling.
She looked away from her puzzle long enough to smile for the camera a few times.