Friday, February 2, 2007

Will's Super Bowl Pick

We conducted a controlled study - we happen to have 3 baby books that have horses in them, and three that have bears in them (actually many more than that, thanks to Winnie-the-Pooh). This allowed three separate trials in which I held up the books with the pictures of each animal showing, and Will touched the animal which represented the team he thought would win. He touched two horses and one bear, therefore picking the Colts to win by a touchdown.


Thomas Ferris said...

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MPF said...

Nice pick Will. Keep me posted on your thoughts on the Huskers next fall.

Will's Grandma Susan said...

Hi Will!

Great job on the Colts prediction. I'm betting you can beat even Duke on basketball picks this year. Tell your mom this is easy for you because you spend a lot of time thinking about math!

Love you, Grandma