Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hallie "Chestnuts" a nana

Hallie is a terribly picky eater, and there's very little Erin or I can do to get her to eat a semi-balanced diet. But we do our best. She will regularly eat cheerios, raisins, and yogurt, and maybe a cracker or a single chicken nugget for lunch/dinner. Sometimes she refuses to eat anything for several meals. She doesn't even like french fries - is she really Erin's biological daughter?

The good news is she will never go hungry as long as there are bananas in the house. Like her brother was/is with hot dogs, Hallie will get excited about eating a banana pretty much any time one enters her field of view. Bananas probably constitute 50% or more of her daily caloric intake.

On the topic of hot dogs, we call Hallie's 'nana eating style "Kobayashi'ing", or more recently (and patriotically) "Chestnuting". Click that link and watch my hero Joey Chestnut destroy hot dogs and then see the resemblance in the way my daughter consumes bananas.

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